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U.S. State Codes
Title 33 - Washington Savin...
Chapter 33.16 - Directors, Officers, and Employ...
Chapter 33.16 - Directors, Officers, and Employees.
33.16.010 Directors—Number—Vacancies.
33.16.020 Directors—Qualifications—Eligibility.
33.16.030 Directors—Prohibited acts.
33.16.040 Removal of director, officer or employee on objection of director of financial institutions—Procedure.
33.16.050 Removal of director for cause—When—Procedure.
33.16.060 Fiduciary relationship of directors and officers.
33.16.080 Officers—Election—Service.
33.16.090 Board meetings—Notice—Quorum.
33.16.120 Statement of assets and liabilities—Reports.
33.16.130 Bonds of officers and employees.
33.16.150 Pensions, retirement plans and other benefits.
33.16.170 Federal home loan bank as depositary.