RCW 31.12.464 Merger or conversion of state into federal, out-of-state, or foreign credit union, or other type of financial institution.
(1) A credit union may merge or convert into a federal credit union as authorized by the federal credit union act. The merger or conversion must be approved by a majority vote of those credit union members voting at a membership meeting, unless the credit union prescribes in its bylaws a higher percentage approval vote than a simple majority.
(2) If the merger or conversion is approved by the members, a copy of the resolution certified by the secretary must be filed with the director within ten days of approval. The board may effect the merger or conversion upon terms agreed by the board and the federal regulator.
(3) A certified copy of the federal credit union charter or authorization issued by the federal regulator must be filed with the director and thereupon the credit union ceases to exist except for the purpose of winding up its affairs and prosecuting or defending any litigation by or against the credit union. For all other purposes, the credit union is merged or converted into a federal credit union and the credit union may execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the successor federal credit union the instruments of transfer, conveyance, and assignment that are necessary or desirable to complete the merger or conversion, and the property, tangible or intangible, and all rights, titles, and interests that are agreed to by the board and the federal regulator.
(4) Mergers and conversions are effective after all applicable regulatory waiting periods have expired and upon filing of the credit union's articles of merger or articles of conversion, as appropriate, by the secretary of state, or a later date stated in the articles, which in no event may be later than ninety days after the articles are filed.
(5) Procedures, similar to those contained in subsections (1) through (4) of this section, prescribed by the director must be followed when a credit union merges or converts into an out-of-state or foreign credit union, or other type of financial institution.
[ 2015 c 114 § 13; 2001 c 83 § 22; 1997 c 397 § 41; 1994 c 92 § 221; 1984 c 31 § 72. Formerly RCW 31.12.705.]