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U.S. State Codes
Title 30B - Washington Trus...
Chapter 30B.44B - State Trust Companies—Involun...
Chapter 30B.44B - State Trust Companies—Involuntary Dissolution and Liquidation.
30B.44B.005 When director may take possession.
30B.44B.010 Mutual consent to dissolution and liquidation.
30B.44B.030 Possession of trust assets and company assets and property with the director—Bar against attachment proceedings.
30B.44B.040 Director's right to take possession may be contested.
30B.44B.050 Powers and duties of director—Prohibition against liens.
30B.44B.060 Notice to creditors—Claims.
30B.44B.070 Executory contract or unexpired lease—Permitted actions by director.
30B.44B.080 Inventory—List of claims.
30B.44B.090 Objections to approved claims.
30B.44B.100 Temporary receiver—Prohibited except in emergency.
30B.44B.110 Preferences prohibited—Penalty.
30B.44B.120 Expense of liquidation—Priority for director's expenses.
30B.44B.130 Liquidation after claims are paid.
30B.44B.140 Disposition of unclaimed personal property.
30B.44B.150 Disposition of unclaimed personal property—Final notice—Sale.
30B.44B.160 Disposition of unclaimed personal property—Monetary funds.
30B.44B.170 Destruction of records after liquidation.
30B.44B.180 Reopening—Conditions.