RCW 29A.92.120 Safe harbor—Limitation of actions.
(1) No action under this chapter may be brought by any person against a political subdivision that has adopted a remedy to its electoral system after an action is filed that is approved by a court pursuant to RCW 29A.92.070 or implemented a court-ordered remedy pursuant to RCW 29A.92.110 for four years after adoption of the remedy if the political subdivision does not enact a change to or deviation from the remedy during this four-year period that would otherwise give rise to an action under this chapter.
(2) No action under this chapter may be brought by any person against a political subdivision that has adopted a remedy to its electoral system in the previous decade before June 7, 2018, as a result of a claim under the federal voting rights act until after the political subdivision completes redistricting pursuant to RCW 29A.76.010 for the 2020 decennial census.
[ 2019 c 64 § 14; 2018 c 113 § 404.]
Explanatory statement—2019 c 64: See note following RCW 1.20.110.