RCW 28B.63.040 Criteria for developing policies.
(1) The following criteria shall be considered in developing policies in regard to providing goods, services, or facilities to persons other than students, faculty, staff, patients, and invited guests:
(a) The goods, services, or facilities represent a resource which is substantially and directly related to the institution's instructional, research, or public service mission, which is not practically available in the private marketplace and for which there is a demand from the external community.
(b) Fees charged for the goods, services, or facilities shall take into account the full direct and indirect costs, overhead, and the price of such items in the private marketplace.
(2) The following criteria shall be considered in developing policies in regard to providing goods, services, or facilities to students, faculty, staff, patients, and invited guests:
(a) The goods, services, or facilities are substantially and directly related to the institution's instructional, research, or public service mission.
(b) Provision of the goods, services, or facilities on campus represents a special convenience to and supports the campus community, or facilitates extracurricular, public service, or on-campus residential life.
(c) Fees charged for the goods, services, or facilities shall take into account the full direct and indirect costs, including overhead.
(d) The adequacy of security procedures to ensure that the goods, services, or facilities are provided only to persons who are students, faculty, staff, patients, or invited guests.
[ 1987 c 97 § 4.]