RCW 28A.657.140 Cultural competence professional development and training.
Required action districts as provided in RCW 28A.657.030, and districts with schools that receive the federal school improvement grant under the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, and districts with schools identified by the superintendent of public instruction as priority or focus are strongly encouraged to provide the cultural competence professional development and training developed under RCW 28A.405.106, 28A.405.120, and 28A.415.420 for classified, certificated instructional, and administrative staff of the school. The professional development and training may be delivered by an educational service district, through district in-service, or by another qualified provider, including in partnership with the local community.
[ 2016 c 72 § 205.]
Finding—Intent—2016 c 72: See note following RCW 28A.600.015.