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U.S. State Codes
Title 28A - Common School P...
Chapter 28A.530 - District Bonds for Land, Buil...
Chapter 28A.530 - District Bonds for Land, Buildings, and Equipment.
28A.530.010 Directors may borrow money, issue bonds.
28A.530.020 Bond issuance—Election—Resolution to specify purposes.
28A.530.030 Disposition of bond proceeds—Capital projects fund.
28A.530.040 Refunding former issues without vote of the people.
28A.530.050 Holder to notify treasurer—Redemption.
28A.530.060 Expense of county treasurer.
28A.530.070 Exchange of warrants for bonds.
28A.530.080 Additional authority to contract indebtedness—Notice.
28A.530.090 Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.