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U.S. State Codes
Title 28A - Common School P...
Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganizati...
Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.
28A.315.005 Governance structure.
28A.315.015 Purpose—Policy.
28A.315.025 Definitions.
28A.315.035 Organization of school districts.
28A.315.045 Reorganization.
28A.315.055 Conflicting or incorrectly described school district boundaries.
28A.315.065 District boundary changes—Filing with county auditor.
28A.315.085 Personnel and supplies—Reimbursement.
28A.315.095 Regional committees—Powers and duties.
28A.315.105 Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.
28A.315.115 Regional committees—Membership limitation.
28A.315.155 Regional committees—Members' expenses reimbursed.
28A.315.165 Regional committees—Organization, meetings, quorum.
28A.315.175 Superintendent of public instruction—Powers and duties.
28A.315.185 Annual training.
28A.315.195 Transfer of territory by petition—Requirements—Rules.
28A.315.199 Transfer of territory or dissolution of financially insolvent school district by petition—Notification to affected districts—Mediation—Request for hearing—Notification to regional committee—Costs.
28A.315.205 Transfer of territory or dissolution by petition—Regional committee responsibilities—Rules—Appeals.
28A.315.215 Transfer of territory or annexation of financially insolvent district by agreement or order—Approval—Order—Previously approved and imposed excess tax levies.
28A.315.221 Financial oversight committee—Membership—Review of financially insolvent districts—Enhanced financial monitoring—Rules.
28A.315.225 Dissolution and annexation of certain districts—Dissolution of financially insolvent districts—Annexation of nondistrict property.
28A.315.229 Employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements in dissolved financially insolvent districts.
28A.315.235 Consolidation—Petition.
28A.315.245 Adjustment of assets and liabilities.
28A.315.255 Adjustment of indebtedness.
28A.315.265 Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.
28A.315.275 Notice of elections.
28A.315.285 Special election—Determination—Order—Certification.
28A.315.295 Rejection of proposal.
28A.315.305 School district organizational changes—Corporate existence—Payment of bonded indebtedness—Levy authority—Levy requirements for dissolved or annexed financially insolvent school districts.
28A.315.308 School district organization changes—Adjustment of school district assets and liabilities—School districts in two or more educational service districts.
28A.315.311 Validation of proceedings to effect dissolution, annexation, consolidation, or transfer of territory between districts.
28A.315.315 Appeal.
28A.315.325 Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.
28A.315.902 Rule-making authority—2012 c 186.