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U.S. State Codes
Title 28A - Common School P...
Chapter 28A.305 - State Board of Education.
Chapter 28A.305 - State Board of Education.
28A.305.011 Board membership—Terms—Compensation.
28A.305.021 Election of board members—Restrictions.
28A.305.035 Joint report to the legislature.
28A.305.045 Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.
28A.305.130 Powers and duties—Purpose.
28A.305.135 Rule making—School district fiscal impact statement required—Exceptions.
28A.305.190 Eligibility to take test to earn a high school equivalency certificate.
28A.305.215 Essential academic learning requirements and grade level expectations—Revised standards and curricula for mathematics and science—Duties of the state board of education and the superintendent of public instruction—Revised graduation requirements.
28A.305.902 Transfer of duties—Review and recommendation—2006 c 263.
28A.305.905 Transfer of duties between the state board of education and superintendent of public instruction—Validity of actions, funds apportionment, and collective bargaining.