RCW 28A.300.8001 Plan for cross-system collaboration to promote educational stability and improve educational outcomes for foster children—Reports.
By December 1, 2012, and on an annual basis through December 1, 2015, the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the department of social and health services and the office of the administrator for the courts, shall submit a report to the governor and the appropriate committees of the legislature regarding the content and implementation status of the state's plan for cross-system collaboration to promote educational stability and improve educational outcomes for foster children pursuant to the requirements of the federal fostering connections to success and increasing adoptions act, P.L. 110-351. The annual report must include, but is not limited to, information regarding:
(1) A description of the process used to determine students' best interest in continued enrollment at the school the student was in at the time of initial placement or change of placement;
(2) The number of days, following initial placement or change of placement, to resume school at the school the student was in at the time of initial placement or change of placement or complete new school enrollment and attend at a new school;
(3) The number of days from request to delivery of school records from the sending school to the receiving school; and
(4) Documentation of a plan and use of federal Title IV-E dollars to support transportation for educational continuity as envisioned in the federal fostering connections to success and increasing adoptions act, P.L. 110-351.
[ 2012 c 163 § 10.]
Findings—Effective date—2012 c 163: See notes following RCW 28B.117.010.