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U.S. State Codes
Title 28A - Common School P...
Chapter 28A.175 - Dropout Prevention, Intervent...
Chapter 28A.175 - Dropout Prevention, Intervention, and Retrieval System.
28A.175.010 Educational progress information—Reporting requirements—Rules—Reports to legislature—Annual estimate of savings.
28A.175.025 Building bridges program—Grants.
28A.175.035 Grants—Criteria and requirements—Data collection—Third-party evaluator—Report.
28A.175.045 Grant awards—Recipients.
28A.175.055 Grant awards—Eligibility.
28A.175.065 Duties of educational service districts—Collaboration with workforce development councils.
28A.175.074 Definitions.
28A.175.075 Building bridges work group—Composition—Duties—Reports.
28A.175.100 Statewide dropout reengagement program.
28A.175.105 Statewide dropout reengagement program—Definitions.
28A.175.110 Statewide dropout reengagement program—Model interlocal agreement and model contract—Students considered regularly enrolled in district.
28A.175.115 Statewide dropout reengagement program—Rules.
28A.175.120 Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.
28A.175.130 Pay for actual student success (PASS) program—Created—Finding—Collaboration.
28A.175.135 PASS program—Allocation of funds.
28A.175.140 PASS program—Duties of superintendent of public instruction.
28A.175.145 PASS program—Awards.
28A.175.150 PASS program—Graduation coach.
28A.175.155 PASS program—High school completion account.
28A.175.160 PASS program—Information regarding funds and awards—Development of strategies for dropout prevention and reengagement programs, planning, and improvement.