RCW 16.52.110 Old or diseased animals at large.
Every owner, driver, or possessor of any old, maimed, or diseased horse, cow, mule, or other domestic animal, who shall permit the same to go loose in any lane, street, square, or lot or place of any city or township, without proper care and attention, for more than three hours after knowledge thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: PROVIDED, That this shall not apply to any such owner keeping any old or diseased animal belonging to him or her on his or her own premises with proper care. Every sick, disabled, infirm, or crippled horse, ox, mule, cow, or other domestic animal, which shall be abandoned on the public highway, or in any open or enclosed space in any city or township, may, if, after search by a peace officer or officer of such society no owner can be found therefor, be killed by such officer; and it shall be the duty of all peace and public officers to cause the same to be killed on information of such abandonment.
[ 2011 c 336 § 424; 1901 c 146 § 13; RRS § 3196.]