RCW 16.49.015 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Department" means the department of agriculture of the state of Washington.
(2) "Director" means the director of the department or the director's designee.
(3) "Custom farm slaughterer" means a person licensed to slaughter meat food animals for the owner of the animal through the use of a mobile unit.
(4) "Custom slaughtering establishment" means the facility operated by a person licensed to slaughter meat food animals for the owner of the animal at a fixed location.
(5) "Custom meat facility" means the facility operated by a person licensed to prepare uninspected meat for the owner of the uninspected meat. Operators of custom meat facilities may also sell prepackaged inspected meat to any person. This chapter does not prohibit the operator of a custom meat facility from being licensed to prepare at the facility and sell inspected meat to any person.
(6) "Inspected meat" means the carcasses or carcass parts of meat food animals which have been slaughtered and inspected at establishments subject to inspection under a federal meat inspection act.
(7) "Uninspected meat" means the carcasses or carcass parts of meat food animals that have been slaughtered by the owner of the animals, a custom farm slaughterer, or at a custom slaughtering establishment.
(8) "Household user" means the ultimate consumer, members of the consumer's household, and his or her nonpaying guests and employees.
(9) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, and corporation.
(10) "Meat food animal" means cattle, swine, sheep, or goats.
(11) "Meat food bird" means a ratite, such as an ostrich, emu, or rhea.
(12) "Official establishment" means an establishment operated for the purpose of slaughtering meat food animals for sale or use as human food in compliance with the federal meat inspection act.
(13) "Prepared" means smoked, salted, rendered, boned, cut up, or otherwise processed.
[ 2000 c 99 § 2; 1999 c 291 § 28; 1987 c 77 § 4. Formerly RCW 16.49.435.]
Savings—1987 c 77: "This act does not affect any existing right acquired or liability or obligation incurred under the sections amended or repealed in this act or under any rule, regulation, or order adopted under those sections, and does not affect any proceeding instituted under those sections." [ 1987 c 77 § 12.]