RCW 15.28.250 Responsibility for payment of assessments—Due upon receipt—Delinquencies—Civil action.
Unless the assessment has been paid by the grower and evidence thereof submitted by him or her, the dealer, handler, or processor is responsible for the payment of all assessments under this chapter on all soft tree fruits handled, shipped, or processed by him or her but he or she shall charge the same against the grower, who shall be primarily responsible for such payment. Assessments are due upon receipt of an invoice for the assessments.
If the assessment becomes delinquent, the department shall cease to provide inspection services under chapter 15.17 RCW to the delinquent party until that party pays all delinquent assessments, interest, and penalties.
Any assessment due and payable under this section constitutes a personal debt of every person so assessed or who otherwise owes the same. In addition, the commission may add to such unpaid assessment or sum an amount not exceeding ten percent of the same to defray the cost of enforcing the collecting of the same. In the event of failure of such person or persons to pay any such due and payable assessment or other such sum, the commission may bring a civil action against such person or persons, together with the specified ten percent thereon, and such action shall be tried and judgment rendered as in any other cause of action for debt due and payable.
[ 2002 c 313 § 108; 1961 c 11 § 15.28.250. Prior: 1947 c 73 § 24; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 2909-33.]
Effective dates—2002 c 313: See note following RCW 15.65.020.