Executive Order No. 18-1
(No. 35-79)
[State Center for Health Statistics
WHEREAS, the planning and development of an improved health care delivery system in Vermont requires data on health status and the availability of health manpower, facilities, and other health resources; and
WHEREAS, the problems of inadequate information, lack of comparability, and duplication of data collection efforts in these areas have been addressed by the Health Services Research, Health Statistics, and Medical Libraries Act of 1974 (PL 93-353), the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974 (PS 93-641), the Health Professionals Educational Assistance Act of 1976 (PL 94-484) and the Health Services Research, Health Statistics, and Health Care Technology Act of 1978 (PL 95-623); and
WHEREAS, the Health Services Research, Health Statistics and Health Care Technology Act of 1978 establishes the Cooperative Health Statistics System and requires that states participating in the system designate a state agent to administer statistical activities under the system; and
WHEREAS, the Vermont Department of Health, through its Division of Public Health Statistics, is both the primary and coordinating agency for Cooperative Health Statistics System activities within Vermont;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor, in order to carry into effect the action referred to above, do hereby designate the Vermont Department of Health as the Official State Center for Health Statistics in Vermont.
Dated July 18, 1979.