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U.S. State Codes
Title 24 - Municipal and Co...
Chapter 119 - Municipal Bond Bank
Chapter 119 - Municipal Bond Bank
§ 4551 Definitions
§ 4552 Law governing
§ 4553 Liberal construction
§ 4554 Administration expenses
§ 4555 Duties of State Treasurer
§ 4556 Cooperation by government agencies; cost
§ 4571 Establishment
§ 4571a Reports
§ 4572 Membership; vacancies
§ 4573 Removal from office; oath
§ 4574 Officers; quorum
§ 4575 Bonding of members
§ 4576 Compensation; expenses
§ 4577 Staff
§ 4591 General powers
§ 4592 Supplementary powers
§ 4593 Prohibited acts
§ 4594 Annual report; audit
§ 4595 Annual budget
§ 4596 Care and custody of bonds
§ 4621 Form of obligation; faith and credit
§ 4622 Negotiability of bonds or notes
§ 4623 Bonds or notes as legal investment
§ 4624 Tax exemption
§ 4641 Loans to governmental units
§ 4642 Amount and purpose; general obligation
§ 4643 Form of issuance
§ 4644 Sale price
§ 4645 Administrative consent or conditions not required
§ 4646 Approval of Governor and Treasurer
§ 4647 Payment or refunding of notes
§ 4648 Terms of agreement with bond or noteholder
§ 4649 Purchase and disposition of own obligations
§ 4650 Interest rates
§ 4651 Exchange of coupon bonds
§ 4652 Waiver of defenses; rights of holder
§ 4653 Bond anticipation notes
§ 4654 Marketability; certification
§ 4655 Presumption of validity
§ 4671 Reserve fund
§ 4672 Withdrawal or transfer
§ 4673 Investment
§ 4674 Relation to bond sales
§ 4675 Annual appropriation
§ 4676 General Fund
§ 4677 Operating expenses
§ 4678 Special accounts
§ 4679 Additional accounts
§ 4680 Application of funds; excess
§ 4681 Revenue Bond Reserve Fund
§ 4682 Investment of Revenue Bond Reserve Fund
§ 4683 Revenue Fund
§ 4684 Revenue Fund operating expenses
§ 4685 Special accounts in Revenue Fund
§ 4701 Rights of holders paramount
§ 4702 Default in payment
§ 4703 Powers of trustee on default
§ 4704 Superior Court jurisdiction
§ 4705 Notice on default
§ 4706 Personal liability
§ 4707 Exemption from execution and sale
§ 4708 Pledge of revenues; lien thereof
§ 4709 Federal insurance or guaranty
§ 4710 Surety for deposits by Bank