§ 141-32. Specific powers
Without limiting any of its duly vested powers and authority, the Town of Readsboro may exercise the following powers and functions:
(a) To levy, assess, and collect taxes;
(b) To appropriate and borrow money within limits prescribed by general laws;
(c) To collect special assessments for benefits and services conferred;
(d) To acquire property through condemnation or otherwise;
(e) To furnish local public services, including water systems, electric light and power systems, sewage disposal systems and treatment plant, and refuse collection;
(f) To make public improvements;
(g) To issue and sell bonds and make other short-term loans on the security of municipal property, public utilities owned by the Town, or upon revenues thereof, or both;
(h) To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land for roads, streets, sidewalks, lanes, commons, alleys, walks, parks, recreation centers, camp sites, aviation fields and landing strips, and for installation and maintenance of equipment and facilities for public services such as, fire, electric light and power, water, sewers, and other municipal services;
(i) To establish a Police Department, Fire Department, sanitation services, fire districts, water, sewer, and electric districts, and building codes and inspection procedures, including the establishment of rules, regulations, ordinances, and bylaws regulating and affecting the same, and enforcing fines, penalties, forfeitures, licensing procedures, and the prosecution of injunctive and restraining remedies and relief;
(j) Where permitted by law, to grant, confer, condition, limit, suspend, or revoke and otherwise exercise and maintain jurisdiction over, licenses for the sale of malt and vinous beverages for on or off-premises consumption, within the municipal limits of said Town;
(k) To establish, amend, enforce, and repeal ordinances and bylaws, to regulate, restrain, abate, or prohibit:
(1) itinerant peddlers and junk collectors;
(2) food markets;
(3) sale and use of fireworks;
(4) exhibitions, dances, races, circuses, menageries, and shows of every kind and description;
(5) lotteries, games of chance, and gaming affecting the public good;
(6) nuisances affecting the public interest, health, and welfare;
(7) unlawful assemblies, riots, and public disturbances; and
(8) any and all conduct, pursuits, endeavors, and actions which may tend to affect the public health, welfare, and safety.