App 15a Fees for the Use of Fish and Wildlife Department Lands and Facilities

10A V.S.A. § 15a (N/A)
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§ 15a. Fees for the Use of Fish and Wildlife Department Lands and Facilities

1.0 Authority

1.1 This rule is adopted pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4132(e) that requires the Commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department to adopt and publish regulations for reasonable fees for the use of Department lands.

1.2 In accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 4132(e), all fees or charges collected for the use of fish and wildlife lands and properties shall be deposited in the Fish and Wildlife Fund.

2.0 Purpose

2.1 In accordance 10 V.S.A. § 4132(e), this rule is designed to set fees for the use of Vermont of Fish and Wildlife Department lands, roads, buildings, other property including Wildlife Management Areas, Fishing Access Areas, and other Department lands and sets tuition for the Green Mountain Conservation Camps.

2.2 The activities for which fees shall be charged under this rule shall be consistent with the Rule Governing Public Use of Fish and Wildlife Department Lands.

3.0 Definitions

3.1 "Partnering organizations" means any government entity or non-governmental organization with whom the Department has a memorialized partnership and whose purposes, and proposed activity, are consistent with the mission of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.

3.2 "Private entity" means a person or group whose proposed activity is unaffiliated with the mission of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.

3.3 "License" a written instrument that authorizes a certain activity on Department property but does not vest the licensee with any property rights.

3.4 "Special Use Permit" means a formal written authorization for short-term, low impact use by individuals or groups.

3.5 "Department" means the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.

3.6 "Edward F. Kehoe Education Center" means the main floor of the Educational Center and surrounding buildings, lawns.

3.7 "Buck Lake Conservation Camp" means the dining hall, restrooms, tent erection areas and Wightman building.

4.0 Fees

4.1 Edward F. Kehoe Education Center

a) Partnering Organizations and Municipalities

Day Use (per day/all facilities                      $175

Conference Room                                         $30/day; $20/1/2 day

Damage Deposit (refundable if all               $150 day/use

requirements are met)

Cabin Rental (Includes 4 people                   $60 / night

$5 per additional person)

School Groups (K-12) Day Use                    $5/per student

b) Private Entity

Grounds - Day Use (Weekend)                      $750

Grounds - Day Use (Weekday)                      $500

Conference Room (single)                              $200

Conference Room (double)                            $350

Weddings                                                        $3,000

4.2 Buck Lake Conservation Camp

Facility Day Use (per day)                             $175

Damage Deposit (refundable if all                 $150 /day use

requirements met)

Dining Hall Only $50 day;                             $25/1/2 day

Cabin Rentals (rate is for 4 people;                $60/night

$5.00 per additional persons)

4.3 Conservation Camp Tuition                            $250

4.4 Controlled Waterfowl Hunt                             $10 /person

Dead Creek WMA and Mud Creek WMA

4.5 Meeting Rooms - Grand Isle Fish                   $25 /day

Culture Station, Gorden Center Training Facility

Overnight Accommodations -                        $25/person/night

Gordon Center Training Facility

4.6 Special Use Permit                                          $50 Minimum –

$10,000 Maximum

4.7 License                                                             $50 Minimum                                                                                                 $10,000 Maximum

5.0 Waivers

5.1 Department Employees working in their official capacity, and participants of Department sponsored events, are exempt from fees subject to the approval of the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee.

5.2 Partnering organizations paying fees for an activity under 4.1 of this rule shall be waived of any additional fees for use of Department lands associated with that activity. (Added 2013, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. eff. July 1, 2013.)