(1) An individual is guilty of interference with a public servant if the individual: (a) uses force, violence, intimidation, or engages in any other unlawful act with a purpose to interfere with a public servant performing or purporting to perform an official function; (b) knowingly or intentionally interferes with the lawful service of process by a public servant; or (c) on property that is owned, operated, or controlled by the state or a political subdivision of the state, willfully denies to a public servant lawful: (i) freedom of movement; (ii) use of the property or facilities; or (iii) ingress to or egress from the facilities.
(a) uses force, violence, intimidation, or engages in any other unlawful act with a purpose to interfere with a public servant performing or purporting to perform an official function;
(b) knowingly or intentionally interferes with the lawful service of process by a public servant; or
(c) on property that is owned, operated, or controlled by the state or a political subdivision of the state, willfully denies to a public servant lawful: (i) freedom of movement; (ii) use of the property or facilities; or (iii) ingress to or egress from the facilities.
(i) freedom of movement;
(ii) use of the property or facilities; or
(iii) ingress to or egress from the facilities.
(2) Interference with a public servant: (a) under Subsection (1)(a) or (b) is a class B misdemeanor; and (b) under Subsection (1)(c) is a class C misdemeanor.
(a) under Subsection (1)(a) or (b) is a class B misdemeanor; and
(b) under Subsection (1)(c) is a class C misdemeanor.
(3) For purposes of this section, "public servant" does not include jurors.