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U.S. State Codes
Title 75 - Utah Uniform Pro...
Chapter 12 - Uniform Directed Trust Act
Chapter 12 - Uniform Directed Trust Act
Section 101 - Title.
Section 102 - Definitions.
Section 103 - Application -- Principal place of administration.
Section 104 - Common law and principles of equity.
Section 105 - Exclusions.
Section 106 - Powers of trust director.
Section 107 - Limitations on trust director.
Section 108 - Duty and liability of trust director.
Section 109 - Duty and liability of directed trustee.
Section 110 - Duty to provide information to trust director or trustee.
Section 111 - No duty to monitor, inform, or advise.
Section 112 - Application to cotrustee.
Section 113 - Limitation of action against trust director.
Section 114 - Defenses in action against trust director.
Section 115 - Jurisdiction over trust director.
Section 116 - Office of trust director.
Section 117 - Uniformity of application and construction.
Section 118 - Electronic records and signatures.