(1) The Legislature finds that: (a) increasingly heavy commuting burdens on Utah's freeways and major transportation arteries are gradually aggravating driving conditions for all Utah motorists; (b) single-occupant driving is the predominant mode of transportation used by commuters in Utah; (c) single-occupant driving represents the most costly and most excessive use of dwindling petroleum reserves; and (d) rapidly increasing energy costs represent an ever-growing burden on commuters' work-related expenses.
(a) increasingly heavy commuting burdens on Utah's freeways and major transportation arteries are gradually aggravating driving conditions for all Utah motorists;
(b) single-occupant driving is the predominant mode of transportation used by commuters in Utah;
(c) single-occupant driving represents the most costly and most excessive use of dwindling petroleum reserves; and
(d) rapidly increasing energy costs represent an ever-growing burden on commuters' work-related expenses.
(2) The policy of this state is to support and encourage transportation modes and ride-sharing programs that reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled, thereby reducing gasoline consumption and protecting the environment.