(1) There is created within GOED the Talent Ready Utah Center.
(2) The executive director shall appoint a director of the center.
(3) The director of the center may appoint staff with the approval of the executive director.
(4) The center shall coordinate with the talent ready board to: (a) further education and industry alignment in the state; (b) coordinate the development of new education programs that align with industry demand; (c) coordinate or partner with other state agencies to administer grant programs; (d) promote the inclusion of industry partners in education; (e) provide outreach and information to employers regarding workforce programs and initiatives; (f) develop and analyze stackable credential programs; (g) determine efficiencies among workforce providers; (h) map available workforce programs focusing on programs that successfully create high-paying jobs; and (i) support initiatives of the talent ready board.
(a) further education and industry alignment in the state;
(b) coordinate the development of new education programs that align with industry demand;
(c) coordinate or partner with other state agencies to administer grant programs;
(d) promote the inclusion of industry partners in education;
(e) provide outreach and information to employers regarding workforce programs and initiatives;
(f) develop and analyze stackable credential programs;
(g) determine efficiencies among workforce providers;
(h) map available workforce programs focusing on programs that successfully create high-paying jobs; and
(i) support initiatives of the talent ready board.