(1) For purposes of this section: (a) "Intentionally" is as defined in Section 76-2-103. (b) "Recklessly" is as defined in Section 76-2-103. (c) "Remainder of the school year" means the portion of the school year beginning on the day after the day on which the notice of compulsory education violation described in Subsection (3) is served and ending on the last day of the school year. (d) "School-age child" means a school-age minor under the age of 14.
(a) "Intentionally" is as defined in Section 76-2-103.
(b) "Recklessly" is as defined in Section 76-2-103.
(c) "Remainder of the school year" means the portion of the school year beginning on the day after the day on which the notice of compulsory education violation described in Subsection (3) is served and ending on the last day of the school year.
(d) "School-age child" means a school-age minor under the age of 14.
(2) Except as provided in Section 53G-6-204 or 53G-6-702, the parent of a school-age minor shall enroll and send the school-age minor to a public or regularly established private school.
(3) A school administrator, a designee of a school administrator, a law enforcement officer acting as a school resource officer, or a truancy specialist may issue a notice of compulsory education violation to a parent of a school-age child if the school-age child is absent without a valid excuse at least five times during the school year.
(4) The notice of compulsory education violation, described in Subsection (3): (a) shall direct the parent of the school-age child to: (i) meet with school authorities to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; and (ii) cooperate with the local school board, charter school governing board, or school district in securing regular attendance by the school-age child; (b) shall designate the school authorities with whom the parent is required to meet; (c) shall state that it is a class B misdemeanor for the parent of the school-age child to intentionally or recklessly: (i) fail to meet with the designated school authorities to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; or (ii) fail to prevent the school-age child from being absent without a valid excuse five or more times during the remainder of the school year; (d) shall be served on the school-age child's parent by personal service or certified mail; and (e) may not be issued unless the school-age child has been truant at least five times during the school year.
(a) shall direct the parent of the school-age child to: (i) meet with school authorities to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; and (ii) cooperate with the local school board, charter school governing board, or school district in securing regular attendance by the school-age child;
(i) meet with school authorities to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; and
(ii) cooperate with the local school board, charter school governing board, or school district in securing regular attendance by the school-age child;
(b) shall designate the school authorities with whom the parent is required to meet;
(c) shall state that it is a class B misdemeanor for the parent of the school-age child to intentionally or recklessly: (i) fail to meet with the designated school authorities to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; or (ii) fail to prevent the school-age child from being absent without a valid excuse five or more times during the remainder of the school year;
(i) fail to meet with the designated school authorities to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; or
(ii) fail to prevent the school-age child from being absent without a valid excuse five or more times during the remainder of the school year;
(d) shall be served on the school-age child's parent by personal service or certified mail; and
(e) may not be issued unless the school-age child has been truant at least five times during the school year.
(5) It is a class B misdemeanor for a parent of a school-age minor to intentionally or recklessly fail to enroll the school-age minor in school, unless the school-age minor is exempt from enrollment under Section 53G-6-204 or 53G-6-702.
(6) It is a class B misdemeanor for a parent of a school-age child to, after being served with a notice of compulsory education violation in accordance with Subsections (3) and (4), intentionally or recklessly: (a) fail to meet with the school authorities designated in the notice of compulsory education violation to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; or (b) fail to prevent the school-age child from being absent without a valid excuse five or more times during the remainder of the school year.
(a) fail to meet with the school authorities designated in the notice of compulsory education violation to discuss the school-age child's school attendance problems; or
(b) fail to prevent the school-age child from being absent without a valid excuse five or more times during the remainder of the school year.
(7) A local school board, charter school governing board, or school district shall report violations of this section to the appropriate county or district attorney.
(8) If school personnel have reason to believe that, after a notice of compulsory education violation is issued, the parent has failed to make a good faith effort to ensure that the child receives an appropriate education, the issuer of the compulsory education violation shall report to the Division of Child and Family Services: (a) identifying information of the child and the child's parent who received the notice of compulsory education violation; (b) information regarding the longest number of consecutive school days the school-age minor has been absent from school and the percentage of school days the child has been absent during each relevant school term; (c) whether the child has made adequate educational progress; (d) whether the requirements of Section 53G-6-206 have been met; (e) whether the child is two or more years behind the local public school's age group expectations in one or more basic skills; and (f) whether the child is receiving special education services or systematic remediation efforts.
(a) identifying information of the child and the child's parent who received the notice of compulsory education violation;
(b) information regarding the longest number of consecutive school days the school-age minor has been absent from school and the percentage of school days the child has been absent during each relevant school term;
(c) whether the child has made adequate educational progress;
(d) whether the requirements of Section 53G-6-206 have been met;
(e) whether the child is two or more years behind the local public school's age group expectations in one or more basic skills; and
(f) whether the child is receiving special education services or systematic remediation efforts.