(1) The terms defined in Section 53G-5-601 apply to this section.
(2) There is created within the Education Fund a restricted account known as the "Charter School Reserve Account."
(3) The reserve account consists of: (a) money credited to the account pursuant to Section 53G-5-607; (b) money appropriated to the account by the Legislature; (c) all income and interest derived from the deposit and investment of money in the account; (d) federal grants; and (e) private donations.
(a) money credited to the account pursuant to Section 53G-5-607;
(b) money appropriated to the account by the Legislature;
(c) all income and interest derived from the deposit and investment of money in the account;
(d) federal grants; and
(e) private donations.
(4) Money in the reserve account may be appropriated by the Legislature to: (a) restore amounts on deposit in a debt service reserve fund of a qualifying charter school to the debt service reserve fund requirement; (b) pay fees and expenses of the authority; (c) pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued for a qualifying charter school; or (d) otherwise provide financial assistance to a qualifying charter school.
(a) restore amounts on deposit in a debt service reserve fund of a qualifying charter school to the debt service reserve fund requirement;
(b) pay fees and expenses of the authority;
(c) pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued for a qualifying charter school; or
(d) otherwise provide financial assistance to a qualifying charter school.