(1) There is created within the Uniform School Fund a restricted account known as the "Growth in Student Population Restricted Account."
(2) The account shall be funded from the following revenue sources: (a) any voluntary contributions received to help alleviate the anticipated surge in student growth in public elementary and secondary schools during the early part of the 21st Century; and (b) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature.
(a) any voluntary contributions received to help alleviate the anticipated surge in student growth in public elementary and secondary schools during the early part of the 21st Century; and
(b) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature.
(3) The account shall be used to help school districts meet the challenges created by anticipated significant increases in student growth in the state's public schools.
(4) (a) The account shall earn interest. (b) All interest earned on account money shall be deposited in the account.
(a) The account shall earn interest.
(b) All interest earned on account money shall be deposited in the account.