(1) In addition to the revenues received from the levy imposed by a local school board and authorized by the Legislature under Section 53F-2-301 or 53F-2-301.5, as applicable, the Legislature shall provide an amount equal to the difference between the school district's anticipated receipts under the entitlement for the fiscal year from the Federal Impact Aid Program and the amount the school district actually received from this source for the next preceding fiscal year.
(2) If at the end of a fiscal year the sum of the receipts of a school district from a distribution from the Legislature pursuant to Subsection (1) plus the school district's allocations from the Federal Impact Aid Program for that fiscal year exceeds the amount allocated to the school district from the Federal Impact Aid Program for the next preceding fiscal year, the excess funds are carried into the next succeeding fiscal year and become in that year a part of the school district's contribution to the school district's basic program for operation and maintenance under the state minimum school finance law.
(3) During the next succeeding fiscal year described in Subsection (2), the school district's required tax rate for the basic program shall be reduced so that the yield from the reduced tax rate plus the carryover funds equal the school district's required contribution to the school district's basic program.
(4) For the school district of a local school board that is required to reduce the school district's basic tax rate under this section, the school district shall receive state minimum school program funds as though the reduction in the tax rate had not been made.