(1) The state board shall make rules that establish a reimbursement program that: (a) distributes any money appropriated to the state board for Special Education -- Section 504 Accommodations; (b) allows an LEA to apply for reimbursement of the costs of services that: (i) an LEA renders to a student with a Section 504 accommodation plan; and (ii) exceed 150% of the average cost of a general education student; and (c) provides for a pro-rated reimbursement based on the amount of reimbursement applications received during a given fiscal year and the amount of money appropriated to the state board that fiscal year.
(a) distributes any money appropriated to the state board for Special Education -- Section 504 Accommodations;
(b) allows an LEA to apply for reimbursement of the costs of services that: (i) an LEA renders to a student with a Section 504 accommodation plan; and (ii) exceed 150% of the average cost of a general education student; and
(i) an LEA renders to a student with a Section 504 accommodation plan; and
(ii) exceed 150% of the average cost of a general education student; and
(c) provides for a pro-rated reimbursement based on the amount of reimbursement applications received during a given fiscal year and the amount of money appropriated to the state board that fiscal year.
(2) Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the state board shall allocate money appropriated to the state board for Special Education -- Section 504 Accommodations in accordance with the rules described in Subsection (1).