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U.S. State Codes
Title 53F - Public Educatio...
Chapter 2 - State Funding -...
Part 3 - Basic Program (Weighted Pupil Units)
Part 3 - Basic Program (Weighted Pupil Units)
Section 301 - Minimum basic tax rate for a fiscal year that begins after July 1, 2022.
Section 301.5 - Minimum basic tax rate for a fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022.
Section 302 - Determination of weighted pupil units.
Section 303 - Foreign exchange student weighted pupil units.
Section 304 - Necessarily existent small schools -- Computing additional weighted pupil units -- Consolidation of small schools.
Section 305 - Professional staff weighted pupil units.
Section 306 - Weighted pupil units for small school district administrative costs -- Appropriation for charter school administrative costs.
Section 307 - Weighted pupil units for programs for students with disabilities -- Local school board allocation.
Section 308 - Preschool special education appropriation -- Extended year program appropriation -- Appropriation for special education programs in state institutions -- Appropriations for stipends for special educators.
Section 309 - Appropriation for intensive special education costs.
Section 310 - Stipends for special educators for additional days of work.
Section 311 - Weighted pupil units for career and technical education programs -- Funding of approved programs -- Performance measures -- Qualifying criteria.
Section 312 - Appropriation for class size reduction.