(1) The ULEAD director shall: (a) (i) hold a doctorate degree in education or an equivalent degree; and (ii) have demonstrated experience in research and dissemination of best practices in education; and (b) (i) be a full-time employee; and (ii) report to the state superintendent.
(a) (i) hold a doctorate degree in education or an equivalent degree; and (ii) have demonstrated experience in research and dissemination of best practices in education; and
(i) hold a doctorate degree in education or an equivalent degree; and
(ii) have demonstrated experience in research and dissemination of best practices in education; and
(b) (i) be a full-time employee; and (ii) report to the state superintendent.
(i) be a full-time employee; and
(ii) report to the state superintendent.
(2) The state superintendent shall: (a) evaluate the director's performance annually; (b) report on the director's performance to the selection committee; and (c) provide space for the director and the director's staff.
(a) evaluate the director's performance annually;
(b) report on the director's performance to the selection committee; and
(c) provide space for the director and the director's staff.
(3) The director may hire staff, using only money specifically appropriated to ULEAD.
(4) The director shall perform the following duties and functions: (a) gather current research on innovative and effective practices in K-12 education for use by policymakers and practitioners; (b) facilitate collaboration between LEAs, higher education researchers, and practitioners by: (i) sharing innovative and effective practices shown to improve student learning; (ii) identifying experts in specific areas of practice; and (iii) maintaining a research clearinghouse and directory of researchers; and (c) analyze barriers to replication or adaption of innovative and successful practices studied by ULEAD or contributed to the ULEAD research clearinghouse.
(a) gather current research on innovative and effective practices in K-12 education for use by policymakers and practitioners;
(b) facilitate collaboration between LEAs, higher education researchers, and practitioners by: (i) sharing innovative and effective practices shown to improve student learning; (ii) identifying experts in specific areas of practice; and (iii) maintaining a research clearinghouse and directory of researchers; and
(i) sharing innovative and effective practices shown to improve student learning;
(ii) identifying experts in specific areas of practice; and
(iii) maintaining a research clearinghouse and directory of researchers; and
(c) analyze barriers to replication or adaption of innovative and successful practices studied by ULEAD or contributed to the ULEAD research clearinghouse.
(5) The director shall: (a) prioritize reports and other research based on recommendations of the steering committee in accordance with Subsection 53E-10-707(5), and after consulting with individuals described in Subsection 53E-10-707(6); (b) identify Utah LEAs, or schools outside the public school system, that are: (i) innovative in specific areas of practice; and (ii) more effective or efficient than comparable LEAs in improving student learning; (c) establish criteria for innovative practice reports to be performed by participating institutions and included in the research clearinghouse, including report templates; (d) arrange with participating institutions to generate innovative practice reports on effective and innovative K-12 education practices; and (e) (i) disseminate each innovative practice report to LEAs; and (ii) publish innovative practice reports on the ULEAD website.
(a) prioritize reports and other research based on recommendations of the steering committee in accordance with Subsection 53E-10-707(5), and after consulting with individuals described in Subsection 53E-10-707(6);
(b) identify Utah LEAs, or schools outside the public school system, that are: (i) innovative in specific areas of practice; and (ii) more effective or efficient than comparable LEAs in improving student learning;
(i) innovative in specific areas of practice; and
(ii) more effective or efficient than comparable LEAs in improving student learning;
(c) establish criteria for innovative practice reports to be performed by participating institutions and included in the research clearinghouse, including report templates;
(d) arrange with participating institutions to generate innovative practice reports on effective and innovative K-12 education practices; and
(e) (i) disseminate each innovative practice report to LEAs; and (ii) publish innovative practice reports on the ULEAD website.
(i) disseminate each innovative practice report to LEAs; and
(ii) publish innovative practice reports on the ULEAD website.
(6) In an innovative practice report, a participating institution shall: (a) include or reference a review of research regarding the practice in which the subject LEA has demonstrated success; (b) identify through academically acceptable, evidence-based research methods the causes of the LEA's successful practice; (c) identify opportunities for LEAs to adopt or customize innovative or best practices; (d) address limitations to successful replication or adaptation of the successful practice by other LEAs, which may include barriers arising from federal or state law, state or LEA policy, socioeconomic conditions, or funding limitations; (e) include practical templates for successful replication and adaptation of successful practices, following criteria established by the director; (f) identify experts in the successful practice that is the subject of the innovative practice report, including teachers or administrators at the subject LEA; and (g) include: (i) an executive summary describing the innovative practice report; and (ii) a video component or other elements designed to ensure that an innovative practice report is readily understandable by practitioners.
(a) include or reference a review of research regarding the practice in which the subject LEA has demonstrated success;
(b) identify through academically acceptable, evidence-based research methods the causes of the LEA's successful practice;
(c) identify opportunities for LEAs to adopt or customize innovative or best practices;
(d) address limitations to successful replication or adaptation of the successful practice by other LEAs, which may include barriers arising from federal or state law, state or LEA policy, socioeconomic conditions, or funding limitations;
(e) include practical templates for successful replication and adaptation of successful practices, following criteria established by the director;
(f) identify experts in the successful practice that is the subject of the innovative practice report, including teachers or administrators at the subject LEA; and
(g) include: (i) an executive summary describing the innovative practice report; and (ii) a video component or other elements designed to ensure that an innovative practice report is readily understandable by practitioners.
(i) an executive summary describing the innovative practice report; and
(ii) a video component or other elements designed to ensure that an innovative practice report is readily understandable by practitioners.
(7) The director may, if requested by an LEA leader or policymaker, conduct an evidence-based review of a possible innovation in an area of practice.
(8) The director may also accept innovative practice reports from trained practitioners that meet the criteria set by the director.
(9) The director or a participating institution, to enable successful replication or adaption of successful practices, may recommend to: (a) the Legislature, amendments to state law; or (b) the state board, revisions to state board rule or policy.
(a) the Legislature, amendments to state law; or
(b) the state board, revisions to state board rule or policy.
(10) The director shall: (a) report on the activities of ULEAD annually to the state board; and (b) provide reports or other information to the state board upon state board request.
(a) report on the activities of ULEAD annually to the state board; and
(b) provide reports or other information to the state board upon state board request.
(11) The director shall: (a) prepare an annual report on ULEAD research and other activities; (b) submit the report in accordance with Section 53E-1-201 and 53E-1-202; (c) publish the annual report on the ULEAD website; and (d) disseminate the report to LEAs through electronic channels.
(a) prepare an annual report on ULEAD research and other activities;
(b) submit the report in accordance with Section 53E-1-201 and 53E-1-202;
(c) publish the annual report on the ULEAD website; and
(d) disseminate the report to LEAs through electronic channels.
(12) The director shall facilitate and conduct an annual conference on successful and innovative K-12 education practices, featuring: (a) Utah education leaders; and (b) practitioners and researchers, chosen by the director, to discuss the subjects of LEA and other ULEAD activities, or other innovative and successful education practices.
(a) Utah education leaders; and
(b) practitioners and researchers, chosen by the director, to discuss the subjects of LEA and other ULEAD activities, or other innovative and successful education practices.