(1) (a) There is hereby established a School of Applied Technology at Salt Lake Community College. (b) Beginning on July 1, 2009, the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College shall be established as Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology.
(a) There is hereby established a School of Applied Technology at Salt Lake Community College.
(b) Beginning on July 1, 2009, the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College shall be established as Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology.
(2) Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology is a continuation of the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College and shall: (a) possess all rights, title, privileges, powers, immunities, franchises, endowments, property, and claims of the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College; and (b) fulfill and perform all obligations of the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College.
(a) possess all rights, title, privileges, powers, immunities, franchises, endowments, property, and claims of the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College; and
(b) fulfill and perform all obligations of the Salt Lake Skills Center and the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College.
(3) Salt Lake Community College shall administer the School of Applied Technology .
(4) Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology shall: (a) provide non-credit career and technical education for both secondary and adult students, with an emphasis primarily on open-entry, open-exit programs; (b) ensure that economically disadvantaged, educationally disadvantaged, or other at-risk students have access to non-credit career and technical education; (c) maintain a strong curriculum in non-credit career and technical education courses which can be articulated with credit career and technical education courses within the institution and within the state system of higher education; (d) offer noncredit, basic instruction in areas such as reading, language arts, and mathematics that are necessary for student success in a chosen career and technical education or job-related program; (e) offer the curriculum at: (i) low cost to adult students, consistent with legislative appropriations to the School of Applied Technology; and (ii) no tuition cost to secondary students; (f) provide noncredit career and technical education that will result in: (i) appropriate licensing, certification, or other evidence of completion of training; and (ii) qualification for specific employment, with an emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry; (g) develop cooperative agreements within the geographic area served by the School of Applied Technology with school districts, charter schools, and other higher education institutions, businesses, industries, and community and private agencies to maximize the availability of instructional facilities; and (h) after consulting with school districts and charter schools within the geographic area served: (i) ensure that secondary students in the public education system have access to non-credit career and technical education at each School of Applied Technology location; and (ii) prepare and submit an annual report to the State Board of Regents detailing: (A) how the non-credit career and technical education needs of secondary students within the region are being met; (B) what access secondary students within the region have to programs offered at School of Applied Technology locations; (C) how the emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry is being provided; and (D) student tuition and fees.
(a) provide non-credit career and technical education for both secondary and adult students, with an emphasis primarily on open-entry, open-exit programs;
(b) ensure that economically disadvantaged, educationally disadvantaged, or other at-risk students have access to non-credit career and technical education;
(c) maintain a strong curriculum in non-credit career and technical education courses which can be articulated with credit career and technical education courses within the institution and within the state system of higher education;
(d) offer noncredit, basic instruction in areas such as reading, language arts, and mathematics that are necessary for student success in a chosen career and technical education or job-related program;
(e) offer the curriculum at: (i) low cost to adult students, consistent with legislative appropriations to the School of Applied Technology; and (ii) no tuition cost to secondary students;
(i) low cost to adult students, consistent with legislative appropriations to the School of Applied Technology; and
(ii) no tuition cost to secondary students;
(f) provide noncredit career and technical education that will result in: (i) appropriate licensing, certification, or other evidence of completion of training; and (ii) qualification for specific employment, with an emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry;
(i) appropriate licensing, certification, or other evidence of completion of training; and
(ii) qualification for specific employment, with an emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry;
(g) develop cooperative agreements within the geographic area served by the School of Applied Technology with school districts, charter schools, and other higher education institutions, businesses, industries, and community and private agencies to maximize the availability of instructional facilities; and
(h) after consulting with school districts and charter schools within the geographic area served: (i) ensure that secondary students in the public education system have access to non-credit career and technical education at each School of Applied Technology location; and (ii) prepare and submit an annual report to the State Board of Regents detailing: (A) how the non-credit career and technical education needs of secondary students within the region are being met; (B) what access secondary students within the region have to programs offered at School of Applied Technology locations; (C) how the emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry is being provided; and (D) student tuition and fees.
(i) ensure that secondary students in the public education system have access to non-credit career and technical education at each School of Applied Technology location; and
(ii) prepare and submit an annual report to the State Board of Regents detailing: (A) how the non-credit career and technical education needs of secondary students within the region are being met; (B) what access secondary students within the region have to programs offered at School of Applied Technology locations; (C) how the emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry is being provided; and (D) student tuition and fees.
(A) how the non-credit career and technical education needs of secondary students within the region are being met;
(B) what access secondary students within the region have to programs offered at School of Applied Technology locations;
(C) how the emphasis on high demand, high wage, and high skill jobs in business and industry is being provided; and
(D) student tuition and fees.
(5) Salt Lake Community College or Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology may not exercise any jurisdiction over career and technical education provided by a school district or charter school independently of Salt Lake Community College or Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology.
(6) Legislative appropriations to Salt Lake Community College's School of Applied Technology shall be made as a line item that separates it from other appropriations for Salt Lake Community College.