(1) Snow College shall have the Snow College Economic Development and Workforce Preparation Advisory Committee composed of the following 12 members: (a) one economic development professional appointed by the Juab County legislative body; (b) one economic development professional appointed by the Millard County legislative body; (c) one economic development professional appointed by the Sanpete County legislative body; (d) one economic development professional appointed by the Wayne County legislative body; (e) one economic development professional appointed by the Piute County legislative body; (f) one economic development professional appointed by the Sevier County legislative body; (g) four representatives of business or industry employers within the region appointed by the Snow College Board of Trustees from nominations of the members appointed under Subsections (1)(a) through (f); (h) one public education school district superintendent, appointed by the Snow College Board of Trustees, chosen from the school district superintendents serving in the Juab, Millard, Tintic, North Sanpete, South Sanpete, Wayne, Piute, and Sevier School Districts; and (i) one public education school district career and technical education director, appointed by the Snow College Board of Trustees, chosen from the career and technical education directors serving in the Juab, Millard, Tintic, North Sanpete, South Sanpete, Wayne, Piute, and Sevier School Districts.
(a) one economic development professional appointed by the Juab County legislative body;
(b) one economic development professional appointed by the Millard County legislative body;
(c) one economic development professional appointed by the Sanpete County legislative body;
(d) one economic development professional appointed by the Wayne County legislative body;
(e) one economic development professional appointed by the Piute County legislative body;
(f) one economic development professional appointed by the Sevier County legislative body;
(g) four representatives of business or industry employers within the region appointed by the Snow College Board of Trustees from nominations of the members appointed under Subsections (1)(a) through (f);
(h) one public education school district superintendent, appointed by the Snow College Board of Trustees, chosen from the school district superintendents serving in the Juab, Millard, Tintic, North Sanpete, South Sanpete, Wayne, Piute, and Sevier School Districts; and
(i) one public education school district career and technical education director, appointed by the Snow College Board of Trustees, chosen from the career and technical education directors serving in the Juab, Millard, Tintic, North Sanpete, South Sanpete, Wayne, Piute, and Sevier School Districts.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a member of the Snow College Economic Development and Workforce Preparation Advisory Committee shall serve for a term of four years. (b) The president of Snow College shall adjust the length of the terms to ensure that the terms of committee members are staggered so that approximately half of the committee members are appointed every two years.
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a member of the Snow College Economic Development and Workforce Preparation Advisory Committee shall serve for a term of four years.
(b) The president of Snow College shall adjust the length of the terms to ensure that the terms of committee members are staggered so that approximately half of the committee members are appointed every two years.
(3) The members of the Snow College Economic Development and Workforce Preparation Advisory Committee shall elect a chair of the committee from the committee's membership.
(4) The Snow College Economic Development and Workforce Preparation Advisory Committee shall meet upon the call of the chair or a majority of the committee members.
(5) The Snow College Economic Development and Workforce Preparation Advisory Committee shall: (a) assess the economic development needs of central Utah and advise Snow College on how the college can improve the effectiveness of its efforts to assist business, industry, and local governments in efforts to expand economic activity and enhance the local economy; and (b) review educational programs offered by Snow College, including career and technical education programs, and advise Snow College on how the college can improve its efforts to prepare students for employment in the region and enhance the skills of workers who are already employed.
(a) assess the economic development needs of central Utah and advise Snow College on how the college can improve the effectiveness of its efforts to assist business, industry, and local governments in efforts to expand economic activity and enhance the local economy; and
(b) review educational programs offered by Snow College, including career and technical education programs, and advise Snow College on how the college can improve its efforts to prepare students for employment in the region and enhance the skills of workers who are already employed.