(1) There is established a branch campus of Snow College in Richfield, Utah, hereafter referred to as the Snow College Richfield campus.
(2) Snow College shall administer the branch campus under the general control and supervision of the State Board of Regents as an integrated part of Snow College's mission, programs, and curriculum.
(3) Snow College shall: (a) maintain a strong curriculum in career and technical education courses at the Snow College Richfield campus and within the region served by Snow College which can be transferred to other institutions within the higher education system, together with lower division courses and courses required for associate degrees in science, arts, applied science, and career and technical education; (b) work with school districts and charter schools in developing an aggressive concurrent enrollment program in cooperation with Snow College Richfield campus; and (c) provide, through the Snow College Richfield Campus, for open-entry, open-exit competency-based career and technical education programs, at a low cost tuition rate for adults and at no tuition cost to secondary students, that emphasize short-term job training or retraining for immediate placement in the job market and serve the geographic area encompassing: (i) the Juab School District; (ii) the Millard School District; (iii) the Tintic School District; (iv) the North Sanpete School District; (v) the South Sanpete School District; (vi) the Wayne School District; (vii) the Piute School District; and (viii) the Sevier School District.
(a) maintain a strong curriculum in career and technical education courses at the Snow College Richfield campus and within the region served by Snow College which can be transferred to other institutions within the higher education system, together with lower division courses and courses required for associate degrees in science, arts, applied science, and career and technical education;
(b) work with school districts and charter schools in developing an aggressive concurrent enrollment program in cooperation with Snow College Richfield campus; and
(c) provide, through the Snow College Richfield Campus, for open-entry, open-exit competency-based career and technical education programs, at a low cost tuition rate for adults and at no tuition cost to secondary students, that emphasize short-term job training or retraining for immediate placement in the job market and serve the geographic area encompassing: (i) the Juab School District; (ii) the Millard School District; (iii) the Tintic School District; (iv) the North Sanpete School District; (v) the South Sanpete School District; (vi) the Wayne School District; (vii) the Piute School District; and (viii) the Sevier School District.
(i) the Juab School District;
(ii) the Millard School District;
(iii) the Tintic School District;
(iv) the North Sanpete School District;
(v) the South Sanpete School District;
(vi) the Wayne School District;
(vii) the Piute School District; and
(viii) the Sevier School District.
(4) Snow College may not exercise any jurisdiction over career and technical education provided by a school district or charter school independently of Snow College.
(5) Snow College shall report to the State Board of Regents annually on: (a) the status of and maintenance of the effort for career and technical education in the region served by Snow College, including access to open-entry, open-exit competency-based career and technical education programs; and (b) student tuition and fees.
(a) the status of and maintenance of the effort for career and technical education in the region served by Snow College, including access to open-entry, open-exit competency-based career and technical education programs; and
(b) student tuition and fees.
(6) Legislative appropriations to Snow College's career and technical education shall be made as line items that are separate from other appropriations for Snow College.