(1) The division shall examine every applicant for a license, including a test of the applicant's: (a) eyesight either: (i) by the division; or (ii) by allowing the applicant to furnish to the division a statement from a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or an optometrist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah Optometry Practice Act; (b) ability to read and understand highway signs regulating, warning, and directing traffic; (c) ability to read and understand simple English used in highway traffic and directional signs; (d) knowledge of the state traffic laws; (e) other physical and mental abilities the division finds necessary to determine the applicant's fitness to drive a motor vehicle safely on the highways; and (f) ability to exercise ordinary and responsible control driving a motor vehicle, as determined by actual demonstration or other indicator.
(a) eyesight either: (i) by the division; or (ii) by allowing the applicant to furnish to the division a statement from a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or an optometrist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah Optometry Practice Act;
(i) by the division; or
(ii) by allowing the applicant to furnish to the division a statement from a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or an optometrist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah Optometry Practice Act;
(b) ability to read and understand highway signs regulating, warning, and directing traffic;
(c) ability to read and understand simple English used in highway traffic and directional signs;
(d) knowledge of the state traffic laws;
(e) other physical and mental abilities the division finds necessary to determine the applicant's fitness to drive a motor vehicle safely on the highways; and
(f) ability to exercise ordinary and responsible control driving a motor vehicle, as determined by actual demonstration or other indicator.
(2) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) or any other provision of law, the division shall allow a refugee or an approved asylee to take an examination of the person's knowledge of the state traffic laws in the person's native language: (i) the first time the person applies for a limited-term license certificate; and (ii) the first time the person applies for a renewal of a limited-term license certificate. (b) Upon the second renewal of a refugee's or approved asylee's limited-term license certificate for a refugee or approved asylee that has taken the knowledge exam in the person's native language under Subsection (2)(a), the division shall re-examine the person's knowledge of the state traffic laws in English. (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the division shall make rules establishing the procedures and requirements for a refugee or an approved asylee to take an examination of the person's knowledge of the state traffic laws in the person's native language.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) or any other provision of law, the division shall allow a refugee or an approved asylee to take an examination of the person's knowledge of the state traffic laws in the person's native language: (i) the first time the person applies for a limited-term license certificate; and (ii) the first time the person applies for a renewal of a limited-term license certificate.
(i) the first time the person applies for a limited-term license certificate; and
(ii) the first time the person applies for a renewal of a limited-term license certificate.
(b) Upon the second renewal of a refugee's or approved asylee's limited-term license certificate for a refugee or approved asylee that has taken the knowledge exam in the person's native language under Subsection (2)(a), the division shall re-examine the person's knowledge of the state traffic laws in English.
(c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the division shall make rules establishing the procedures and requirements for a refugee or an approved asylee to take an examination of the person's knowledge of the state traffic laws in the person's native language.
(3) The division shall determine whether any facts exist that would bar granting a license under Section 53-3-204.
(4) The division shall examine each applicant according to the class of license applied for.
(5) An applicant for a CDL shall meet all additional requirements of Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver License Act, of this chapter.