(1) Under this chapter, a person on duty and subject to this chapter who is accused of an offense against a civilian person may be delivered, upon request, to the civilian authority for judicial proceedings.
(2) (a) When a person under sentence imposed by a military court is delivered to a civilian authority under this section, and the person is convicted in a civilian court, the execution of the sentence of the military court is interrupted. (b) After the person has completed the sentence imposed by the civilian court, upon request of military authority, he shall be returned to military custody for completion of his military court sentence.
(a) When a person under sentence imposed by a military court is delivered to a civilian authority under this section, and the person is convicted in a civilian court, the execution of the sentence of the military court is interrupted.
(b) After the person has completed the sentence imposed by the civilian court, upon request of military authority, he shall be returned to military custody for completion of his military court sentence.