(1) The division shall: (a) assist local governments and citizens in the planning, development, and maintenance of necessary public infrastructure and services; (b) cooperate with, and provide technical assistance to, counties, cities, towns, regional planning commissions, area-wide clearinghouses, zoning commissions, parks or recreation boards, community development groups, community action agencies, and other agencies created for the purpose of aiding and encouraging an orderly, productive, and coordinated development of the state and its political subdivisions; (c) assist the governor in coordinating the activities of state agencies which have an impact on the solution of community development problems and the implementation of community plans; (d) serve as a clearinghouse for information, data, and other materials which may be helpful to local governments in discharging their responsibilities and provide information on available federal and state financial and technical assistance; (e) carry out continuing studies and analyses of the problems faced by communities within the state and develop such recommendations for administrative or legislative action as appear necessary; (f) assist in funding affordable housing and addressing problems of homelessness; (g) support economic development activities through grants, loans, and direct programs financial assistance; (h) certify project funding at the local level in conformance with federal, state, and other requirements; (i) utilize the capabilities and facilities of public and private universities and colleges within the state in carrying out its functions; and (j) assist and support local governments, community action agencies, and citizens in the planning, development, and maintenance of home weatherization, energy efficiency, and antipoverty activities.
(a) assist local governments and citizens in the planning, development, and maintenance of necessary public infrastructure and services;
(b) cooperate with, and provide technical assistance to, counties, cities, towns, regional planning commissions, area-wide clearinghouses, zoning commissions, parks or recreation boards, community development groups, community action agencies, and other agencies created for the purpose of aiding and encouraging an orderly, productive, and coordinated development of the state and its political subdivisions;
(c) assist the governor in coordinating the activities of state agencies which have an impact on the solution of community development problems and the implementation of community plans;
(d) serve as a clearinghouse for information, data, and other materials which may be helpful to local governments in discharging their responsibilities and provide information on available federal and state financial and technical assistance;
(e) carry out continuing studies and analyses of the problems faced by communities within the state and develop such recommendations for administrative or legislative action as appear necessary;
(f) assist in funding affordable housing and addressing problems of homelessness;
(g) support economic development activities through grants, loans, and direct programs financial assistance;
(h) certify project funding at the local level in conformance with federal, state, and other requirements;
(i) utilize the capabilities and facilities of public and private universities and colleges within the state in carrying out its functions; and
(j) assist and support local governments, community action agencies, and citizens in the planning, development, and maintenance of home weatherization, energy efficiency, and antipoverty activities.
(2) The division may: (a) by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, seek federal grants, loans, or participation in federal programs; (b) if any federal program requires the expenditure of state funds as a condition to participation by the state in any fund, property, or service, with the governor's approval, expend whatever funds are necessary out of the money provided by the Legislature for the use of the department; (c) in accordance with Part 9, Domestic Violence Shelters, assist in developing, constructing, and improving shelters for victims of domestic violence, as described in Section 77-36-1, through loans and grants to nonprofit and governmental entities; and (d) assist, when requested by a county or municipality, in the development of accessible housing.
(a) by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, seek federal grants, loans, or participation in federal programs;
(b) if any federal program requires the expenditure of state funds as a condition to participation by the state in any fund, property, or service, with the governor's approval, expend whatever funds are necessary out of the money provided by the Legislature for the use of the department;
(c) in accordance with Part 9, Domestic Violence Shelters, assist in developing, constructing, and improving shelters for victims of domestic violence, as described in Section 77-36-1, through loans and grants to nonprofit and governmental entities; and
(d) assist, when requested by a county or municipality, in the development of accessible housing.