(1) It is unlawful for a person who has custody of a record required to be filed or deposited with the commission or the department under this title to: (a) steal, falsify, alter, willfully destroy, mutilate, deface, remove, or conceal in whole or in part that record; or (b) knowingly permit another person to take an action described in Subsection (1)(a).
(a) steal, falsify, alter, willfully destroy, mutilate, deface, remove, or conceal in whole or in part that record; or
(b) knowingly permit another person to take an action described in Subsection (1)(a).
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. (b) A person who violates Subsection (1) is guilty of a third degree felony if that person is a commissioner, the director, or a department employee.
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
(b) A person who violates Subsection (1) is guilty of a third degree felony if that person is a commissioner, the director, or a department employee.