(1) Section 31A-5-204 applies to the formation of organizations, except that "Section 31A-5-211" in Subsection 31A-5-204(5) shall be read "Section 31A-8-209."
(2) In addition to the requirements of Section 31A-5-204, the application for a permit shall include a description of the initial locations of facilities where health care will be available to enrollees, the hours during which various services will be provided, the types of health care personnel to be used at each location and the approximate number of each personnel type to be available at each location, the methods to be used to monitor the quality of health care furnished, the method of resolving adverse benefit determinations initiated by enrollees or providers, the method used to give enrollees an opportunity to participate in matters of policy, the medical records system, and the method for documentation of utilization of health care by persons insured.