(1) requires the physician to specify the persons, by professional license number, authorized to dispense the self-administered hormonal contraceptive;
(2) requires the physician to review at least annually the dispensing practices of those authorized by the physician to dispense the self-administered hormonal contraceptive;
(3) requires those authorized by the physician to dispense the self-administered hormonal contraceptive to make and retain a record of each person to whom the self-administered hormonal contraceptive is dispensed, including: (a) the name of the person; (b) the drug dispensed; and (c) other relevant information; and
(a) the name of the person;
(b) the drug dispensed; and
(c) other relevant information; and
(4) is approved by the department by administrative rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.