(1) The procedures contained in this section govern when the Congress of the United States: (a) proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and (b) directs that the amendment be ratified by conventions in each state.
(a) proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and
(b) directs that the amendment be ratified by conventions in each state.
(2) If Congress prescribes the manner in which the conventions shall be constituted and does not except those states that have established procedures for constituting ratification conventions: (a) this chapter is inoperative; (b) the convention shall be constituted and shall operate as the congressional resolution or Act of Congress directs; and (c) all state officers who are authorized or directed to take any action to constitute a ratification convention in Utah shall do so.
(a) this chapter is inoperative;
(b) the convention shall be constituted and shall operate as the congressional resolution or Act of Congress directs; and
(c) all state officers who are authorized or directed to take any action to constitute a ratification convention in Utah shall do so.