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U.S. State Codes
Title 17B - Limited Purpose...
Chapter 1 - Provisions Appl...
Part 4 - Annexation
Part 4 - Annexation
Section 401 - Definitions.
Section 402 - Annexation of area outside local district.
Section 403 - Initiation of annexation process -- Petition and resolution.
Section 404 - Petition requirements.
Section 405 - Petition certification.
Section 406 - Notice to county and municipality -- Exception.
Section 407 - Notice of intent to consider providing service -- Public hearing requirements.
Section 408 - Resolution indicating whether the requested service will be provided.
Section 409 - Public hearing on proposed annexation.
Section 410 - Notice of public hearing.
Section 411 - Modifications to area proposed for annexation -- Limitations.
Section 412 - Protests -- Election.
Section 413 - Hearing, notice, and protest provisions do not apply for certain petitions.
Section 414 - Resolution approving an annexation -- Filing of notice and plat with lieutenant governor -- Recording requirements -- Effective date.
Section 415 - Annexation of wholesale district through expansion of retail provider -- Annexation of a local district that provides transportation services.
Section 416 - Automatic annexation to a district providing fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services or law enforcement service.
Section 417 - Boundary adjustment -- Notice and hearing -- Protest -- Resolution adjusting boundaries -- Filing of notice and plat with the lieutenant governor -- Recording requirements -- Effective date.
Section 418 - Annexed area subject to fees and taxes.