(1) (a) Within each county subject to this chapter, there is created the office of executive director of County Fire Civil Service, who shall be appointed by the county executive. (b) The executive director shall be a person with proven experience in personnel management and shall be accountable to the county executive for his performance in office. (c) The position of executive director shall be a merit position under Title 17, Chapter 33, County Personnel Management Act, and shall be recruited and selected in the same manner as the holders of other career service merit positions, with the concurrence of the County Fire Civil Service Council.
(a) Within each county subject to this chapter, there is created the office of executive director of County Fire Civil Service, who shall be appointed by the county executive.
(b) The executive director shall be a person with proven experience in personnel management and shall be accountable to the county executive for his performance in office.
(c) The position of executive director shall be a merit position under Title 17, Chapter 33, County Personnel Management Act, and shall be recruited and selected in the same manner as the holders of other career service merit positions, with the concurrence of the County Fire Civil Service Council.
(2) The County Fire Civil Service executive director shall: (a) exercise, on behalf of the county, executive or administrative duties regarding the management and administration of the County Fire Civil Service System, including the management and administration of examinations, classification of duties, preparation of hiring registers, recommendations regarding civil service regulations and policies, and other duties provided in this chapter; (b) classify persons successfully passing examinations in the order of their ascertained merit and prepare a list of them; (c) make certification of classifications when required; (d) make, publish, and distribute necessary rules relative to examinations, classifications, and certifications as may be proper and desirable in the administration of this chapter; (e) establish and maintain records of employees in the County Fire Civil Service System setting forth as to each employee class, title, pay, status, and other relevant data; (f) make necessary and proper reports to the County Fire Civil Service Council, the fire chief, or the county executive; (g) apply and carry out the provisions of this chapter and the policies and rules adopted under it; and (h) perform other lawful acts that may be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(a) exercise, on behalf of the county, executive or administrative duties regarding the management and administration of the County Fire Civil Service System, including the management and administration of examinations, classification of duties, preparation of hiring registers, recommendations regarding civil service regulations and policies, and other duties provided in this chapter;
(b) classify persons successfully passing examinations in the order of their ascertained merit and prepare a list of them;
(c) make certification of classifications when required;
(d) make, publish, and distribute necessary rules relative to examinations, classifications, and certifications as may be proper and desirable in the administration of this chapter;
(e) establish and maintain records of employees in the County Fire Civil Service System setting forth as to each employee class, title, pay, status, and other relevant data;
(f) make necessary and proper reports to the County Fire Civil Service Council, the fire chief, or the county executive;
(g) apply and carry out the provisions of this chapter and the policies and rules adopted under it; and
(h) perform other lawful acts that may be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(3) The executive director shall appoint the members of and act as chair to a County Fire Civil Service Advisory Committee which shall assist the executive director in making recommendations to the county executive regarding County Fire Civil Service System rules and policies.