(1) The following amendment is adopted as an amendment to the IBC for the Park City Corporation, in IBC, Section 3409.2, exception 3, is modified to read as follows: "3. Designated as historic under a state or local historic preservation program."
(2) The following amendments are adopted as amendments to the IBC for the Park City Corporation and Park City Fire District: (a) IBC, Section (F)903.2, is deleted and replaced with the following: "(F)903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the location described in this section.1. All new construction having more than 6,000 square feet on any one floor, except R-3 occupancy.2. All new construction having more than two (2) stories, except R-3 occupancy.3. All new construction in the Historic Commercial Business zone district, regardless of occupancy.4. All new construction and buildings in the General Commercial zone district where there are side yard setbacks or where one or more side yard setbacks is less than two and one half (2.5) feet per story of height.5. All existing building within the Historic District Commercial Business zone."; and (b) In IBC, Table 1505.1, new footnotes d and e are added as follows: "d. Wood roof covering assemblies are prohibited in R-3 occupancies in areas with a combined rating of more than 11 using Tables 1505.1.1 and 1505.1.2 with a score of 9 for weather factors.e. Wood roof covering assemblies shall have a Class A rating in occupancies other than R-3 in areas with a combined rating of more than 11 using Tables 1505.1.1 and 1505.1.2 with a score of 9 for weather factors. The owner of the building shall enter into a written and recorded agreement that the Class A rating of the roof covering assembly will not be altered through any type of maintenance process. TABLE 1505.1.1 WILDFIRE HAZARD SEVERITY SCALE RATINGSLOPEVEGETATION 1less than or equal to 10%Pinion-juniper 210.1 - 20%Grass-sagebrush 3greater than 20%Mountain brush or softwoods TABLE 1505.1.2 PROHIBITION/ALLOWANCE OF WOOD ROOFING RatingR-3 OccupancyAll Other Occupancies Less than or equal to 11Wood roof covering assemblies per Table 1505.1 are allowedWood roof covering assemblies per Table 1505.1 are allowed Greater than or equal to 12Wood roof covering is prohibitedWood roof covering assemblies with a Class A rating are allowed"
(a) IBC, Section (F)903.2, is deleted and replaced with the following: "(F)903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the location described in this section.1. All new construction having more than 6,000 square feet on any one floor, except R-3 occupancy.2. All new construction having more than two (2) stories, except R-3 occupancy.3. All new construction in the Historic Commercial Business zone district, regardless of occupancy.4. All new construction and buildings in the General Commercial zone district where there are side yard setbacks or where one or more side yard setbacks is less than two and one half (2.5) feet per story of height.5. All existing building within the Historic District Commercial Business zone."; and
(b) In IBC, Table 1505.1, new footnotes d and e are added as follows: "d. Wood roof covering assemblies are prohibited in R-3 occupancies in areas with a combined rating of more than 11 using Tables 1505.1.1 and 1505.1.2 with a score of 9 for weather factors.e. Wood roof covering assemblies shall have a Class A rating in occupancies other than R-3 in areas with a combined rating of more than 11 using Tables 1505.1.1 and 1505.1.2 with a score of 9 for weather factors. The owner of the building shall enter into a written and recorded agreement that the Class A rating of the roof covering assembly will not be altered through any type of maintenance process. TABLE 1505.1.1 WILDFIRE HAZARD SEVERITY SCALE RATINGSLOPEVEGETATION 1less than or equal to 10%Pinion-juniper 210.1 - 20%Grass-sagebrush 3greater than 20%Mountain brush or softwoods TABLE 1505.1.2 PROHIBITION/ALLOWANCE OF WOOD ROOFING RatingR-3 OccupancyAll Other Occupancies Less than or equal to 11Wood roof covering assemblies per Table 1505.1 are allowedWood roof covering assemblies per Table 1505.1 are allowed Greater than or equal to 12Wood roof covering is prohibitedWood roof covering assemblies with a Class A rating are allowed"
TABLE 1505.1.1
1less than or equal to 10%Pinion-juniper
210.1 - 20%Grass-sagebrush
3greater than 20%Mountain brush or softwoods
TABLE 1505.1.2
RatingR-3 OccupancyAll Other Occupancies
Less than or equal to 11Wood roof covering assemblies per Table 1505.1 are allowedWood roof covering assemblies per Table 1505.1 are allowed
Greater than or equal to 12Wood roof covering is prohibitedWood roof covering assemblies with a Class A rating are allowed"