(1) IPC, Section 701.2, is deleted and replaced with the following: "701.2 Sewer required. Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall be connected to a public sewer where the sewer is accessible and is within 300 feet of the property line in accordance with Utah Code, Section 10-8-38; or an approved private sewage disposal system in accordance with Utah Administrative Code, Rule R317-4, as administered by the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality."
(2) A new IPC Section 701.8 is added as follows: "701.8 Drainage piping in food service areas. Exposed soil or waste piping shall not be installed above any working, storage, or eating surfaces in food service establishments."
(3) In IPC, Section 712.3.3.1, the following words are added after the word "PE": "stainless steel, cast iron, galvanized steel, brass,".