(1) Except as provided in this chapter, a municipality may not: (a) provide to one or more subscribers: (i) a cable television service; or (ii) a public telecommunications service; or (b) for the purpose of providing a cable television service or a public telecommunications service to one or more subscribers, purchase, lease, construct, maintain, or operate any facility.
(a) provide to one or more subscribers: (i) a cable television service; or (ii) a public telecommunications service; or
(i) a cable television service; or
(ii) a public telecommunications service; or
(b) for the purpose of providing a cable television service or a public telecommunications service to one or more subscribers, purchase, lease, construct, maintain, or operate any facility.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, a municipality provides a cable television service or public telecommunications service if the municipality provides the service: (a) directly or indirectly, including through an authority or instrumentality: (i) acting on behalf of the municipality; or (ii) for the benefit of the municipality; (b) by itself; (c) through: (i) a partnership; or (ii) joint venture; or (d) by contract, resale, or otherwise.
(a) directly or indirectly, including through an authority or instrumentality: (i) acting on behalf of the municipality; or (ii) for the benefit of the municipality;
(i) acting on behalf of the municipality; or
(ii) for the benefit of the municipality;
(b) by itself;
(c) through: (i) a partnership; or (ii) joint venture; or
(i) a partnership; or
(ii) joint venture; or
(d) by contract, resale, or otherwise.