Section 8503.013. Issuance of Bonds

TX Spec Dist Code § 8503.013 (2019) (N/A)
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Sec. 8503.013. ISSUANCE OF BONDS. (a) The authority may issue bonds from time to time and for any purpose authorized by this chapter or other general law. If bonds of the authority are issued, except as otherwise provided under general law, the bonds:

(1) when sold, shall be sold for cash at public sale to the highest and best bidder, as determined by the board, and the interest cost of the money received for the bonds shall be computed to maturity in accordance with the method prescribed by the board in connection with the sale of the bonds;

(2) may be issued, on terms determined by the board in exchange for property of any kind, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest in property that the board determines necessary or convenient for any corporate purposes, provided that any property acquired through the exchange of bonds is certified in writing before the exchange as being of a value equal to or in excess of the par value of the bonds by an independent appraisal that is to be kept on file by the authority as a public record, with a copy filed with the state auditor;

(3) may be issued in exchange for like principal amounts of other obligations of the authority, matured or unmatured; or

(4) may be sold to this state or any agency of this state, the United States, or any agency or corporation created or designated by this state or the United States in exchange for cash equal in amount to the principal amount of the bonds sold and the interest cost of the money received for the bonds, computed to maturity in accordance with standard bond tables in general use by banks and insurance companies, as determined by the board.

(b) The proceeds from the sale of the bonds shall be deposited in one or more banks or trust companies and shall be paid out under terms and conditions not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter or other general law that are agreed on between the authority and the purchasers of the bonds.

(c) The proceeds of the bonds and any net operating revenues derived from the sale of electric power or water that may be available after paying the interest on outstanding bonds and the principal amount of the bonds and after setting aside sufficient funds for working capital, including a reasonable amount for contingencies, and setting aside funds for reserves to secure payment of principal of and interest on outstanding bonds, shall be used:

(1) to build and construct dams or other structures within the authority, on the Colorado River and its tributaries, for the impounding and storage of floodwater and surface water;

(2) to purchase and install in the dams on the Colorado River hydroelectric generators and other related facilities for the generation of hydroelectric power;

(3) for the construction of additional lines and the purchase and installation of additional equipment the board considers necessary or expedient to enable the authority to continue to meet the demand for electric power in the areas within the authority directly served by its transmission lines and distribution systems on January 1, 1975, and other areas within the service area served by the authority on January 1, 1975, that cannot receive comparable service from any other power source and to provide electric power to this state as provided by Section 8503.004; provided, however, that no steam generating capacity shall be installed by the authority, except that the authority may acquire, install, construct, enlarge and make additions to, and operate one or more steam generating plants, the sum of whose aggregate capacity may not be more than 5,000 megawatts, to be located within the boundaries of either one or more of Colorado, Fayette, Bastrop, Travis, Blanco, Burnet, Llano, or San Saba counties and to be utilized for the purpose of serving the area directly served by the authority's transmission lines and distribution systems on January 1, 1975, and to provide electric power to this state as provided by Section 8503.004;

(4) to own or acquire an interest in one or more steam generating plants at any location within or outside the authority, if the plant or plants are owned in conjunction with one or more other utilities, public, private, or municipal, provided that an interest owned or acquired by the authority shall be utilized for the sole purpose of providing electric power and energy only in the areas within the authority directly served by its transmission lines and distribution systems as they existed on January 1, 1975;

(5) for the purpose of building dams, levees, or other flood control structures between the city of Austin and the mouth of the Colorado River that are considered necessary and desirable by the board and for acquiring or installing facilities necessary to supply water for irrigation and other useful purposes within the counties composing the authority; and

(6) in aid of any soil conservation or soil reclamation projects within the authority that the board determines to be in the public interest.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed as establishing priorities as to uses of water that are contrary to the general laws of this state with reference to the water uses.

(e) Except as otherwise provided by general law, proceeds of bonds sold by the authority, and any net operating revenues that the board determines are not needed to carry out the projects set out in Subsections (c)(1), (2), and (3), to the extent not required by an outstanding trust indenture to be used to redeem outstanding bonds, shall be placed in a general revenue fund of the authority. Dams built on the Colorado River or on its tributaries shall be used for the purpose of impounding and storing floodwaters and surface waters.

(f) Bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the board concurred in by at least 12 of the members.

(g) Bonds shall bear the date or dates, mature at the time or times, bear interest at the rates, payable annually or semiannually, be in the denominations, be in the form, either coupon or registered, carry the registration privileges as to principal only or as to both principal and interest and as to exchange of coupon bonds for registered bonds or vice versa and exchange of bonds of one denomination for bonds of other denominations, be executed in the manner, and be payable at the place or places within or outside this state that the resolution may provide.

(h) A resolution authorizing bonds may contain provisions that are part of the contract between the authority and the holder of the bonds from time to time:

(1) reserving the right to redeem the bonds at the time or times, in the amounts, and at the prices, not exceeding 105 percent of the principal amount of the bonds, plus accrued interest, as may be provided;

(2) providing for the setting aside of interest and sinking funds or reserve funds and the regulation and disposition of those funds;

(3) pledging, to secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds and of the sinking fund or reserve fund payments agreed to be made with respect to the bonds, all or any part of the gross or net revenues received by the authority with respect to the property, real, personal, or mixed, acquired or constructed or to be acquired or constructed with the bonds or the proceeds of the bonds, or all or any part of the gross or net revenues previously or thereafter received by the authority from any source;

(4) prescribing the purposes to which the bonds or any bonds issued later are to be applied;

(5) agreeing to set and collect rates and charges sufficient to produce revenues adequate to pay the items specified in Section 8503.011(a) and prescribing the use and disposition of all revenues;

(6) prescribing limitations on the issuance of additional bonds and on the agreements that may be made with the purchasers and successive holders of the bonds;

(7) relating to the construction, extension, improvement, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, and repair of the properties of the authority and the carrying of insurance on all or any part of the properties covering loss or damage or loss of use and occupancy resulting from specified risks;

(8) setting the procedure, if any, by which, if the authority so desires, the terms of a contract with the bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds whose holders must consent to that amendment or abrogation, and the manner in which the consent may be given;

(9) providing for the execution and delivery by the authority, to a bank or trust company authorized by law to accept trusts, of indentures and agreements for the benefit of the bondholders setting forth all of the agreements authorized by this chapter to be made with or for the benefit of the bondholders and other provisions that are customary in those kinds of indentures or agreements; and

(10) making other provisions, not inconsistent with this chapter or other general law, that the board approves, provided that an agreement, contract, or commitment may not be made that, under any contingency, could or would result in the United States government or any of its agencies or bureaus claiming the right or privilege of controlling or managing the properties and facilities of the authority or the control or disposition of the water of the Colorado River or its tributaries; provided, however, that nothing in this chapter shall be construed as limiting or restricting the rights or powers as set out in Section 8503.014 in the event of a default on the part of the authority; and provided further that nothing in this chapter is intended to prohibit compliance with existing federal regulations, if compliance with those regulations is done on the advice and approval of the attorney general.

Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 996, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.

Renumbered from Water Code, Section 222.013 by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 921 (H.B. 3167), Sec. 13.006(b), eff. September 1, 2007.

Amended by:

Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 921 (H.B. 3167), Sec. 13.006(i), eff. September 1, 2007.