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Subchapter C. Supervisory Intervention
Subchapter C. Supervisory Intervention
Section 96.101. Intervention for Violations and Unsafe and Unsound Practices
Section 96.102. Intervention for Filing Inappropriate Information
Section 96.103. Intervention for Activity Resulting in Actual or Potential Financial Loss
Section 96.104. Intervention Relating to Examination of Affairs
Section 96.105. Temporary Supervisory Order
Section 96.106. Service of Temporary Supervisory Order
Section 96.107. Hearing on Temporary Supervisory Order; Final Order
Section 96.108. Plan of Operation of Savings Bank After Order of Temporary Conservatorship
Section 96.109. Enforcement of Supervisory Order
Section 96.110. Stay of Supervisory Order
Section 96.111. Disclosure of Information in Supervisory Order; Confidentiality