On or before the first day of January, next preceding each regular meeting of the general assembly, beginning on or after January 1, 1971, the board of trustees shall advise the state treasurer of the actuarial requirements of the public service commissioners' retirement system and the treasurer shall certify to the commissioner of finance and administration the amount needed, if any, over and above the amount contributed by commissioners and the amounts of the continuing annual appropriation as set forth in § 65-163, to make the system actuarially sound as of that date. The commissioner of finance and administration shall include in the budget an amount equal to the amount certified to him by the treasurer, if any, in excess of the amount of the continuing annual appropriation as set forth in § 65-163, to be paid into the public service commissioners' retirement fund. Any such further appropriations shall be paid out of the “motor vehicle account” and/or the “public utilities account” referred to in § 65-163, and no part of any such appropriation shall be paid out of the general funds or revenues of the state of Tennessee. A statement of the financial condition of the trust fund of the public service commissioners' retirement fund shall be published by the board of trustees in an annual report to the treasurer.