Upon the issuance of refunding bonds as provided for in §§ 69-5-920 — 69-5-927, the time of payment of the subsequently accruing original annual installments of taxes shall be extended, and the taxes shall become due and payable in such greater number of annual installments and in such respective amounts as the county legislative body, in its order directing the issuance of refunding bonds, shall direct. And the county legislative body shall direct the county clerk to prepare and to certify a new drainage assessment book showing such extended assessments and to file the same with the county trustee, or with the respective county trustees in the event the district should embrace lands in more than one (1) county. The taxes shall be collected and the payment of the taxes enforced at the same time and in the same manner as is now provided by law for the collection and enforcement of payment of drainage taxes. It is the duty of the county legislative body in fixing the respective annual installments of the extended assessments to provide for the collection annually of amounts sufficient to provide for the payment of such refunding bonds and the accruing interest on the bonds.