(1) Any commissioned instructor employed at the Tennessee law enforcement training academy who retires after twenty-five (25) years of honorable service shall be issued by the department a retired commission card, which shall identify the member, the member's department and rank, and the fact that the member is retired.
(2) Cards issued under this section shall bear the inscription in print of equal or larger size than the rest of the printing on the cards the words “Not a handgun permit.”
(3) After twenty-five (25) years of honorable service by a commissioned member of the department, the department shall authorize the member, upon retirement, to retain the member's service weapon in recognition of the member's many years of good and faithful public service.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the department to purchase any additional service weapons.
(5) In the case of commissioned members who retire on disability retirement as provided in title 8, chapter 36, the members may be issued retired commission cards and may be authorized to retain their service weapons.
(1) Any commissioned member who retires after twenty-five (25) years of honorable service shall be allowed to retain the member's badge in recognition of the member's many years of good and faithful service. The badge, however, shall be permanently marked to indicate the retired status of the member.
(2) Subdivision (b)(1) shall only apply to members retiring after July 1, 2008.