(a) The commissioner has the authority to suspend the admission of any new patients or residents to any facility or licensee in those cases where the commissioner has a factual basis upon which to believe that the conditions in any such facility or licensee are, or are likely to be, detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of a patient or resident. For the purposes of this section, “facility or licensee” means any entity licensed under this part.
(b) The commissioner may suspend admissions pending a prompt hearing before the board, or an administrative judge if the board cannot be convened promptly.
(c) The commissioner shall initiate a suspension of admissions by delivering to the facility or licensee a notice stating the commissioner's decision to suspend the admissions of new patients. The commissioner's notice to suspend admissions must:
(1) Detail what conditions are considered detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the patients;
(2) Provide an explanation of the specific time frame when and conditions under which the facility or licensee can reasonably expect the suspension to be lifted; and
(3) Be received by the facility or licensee within ten (10) business days of the conclusion of the department's survey.
(d) Within ten (10) business days of the conclusion of the department's investigation, the department shall also mail to the facility or licensee the commissioner's order, which shall:
(1) Detail the alleged facts and pertinent law with particularity; and
(2) Inform the facility or licensee of its right to contest the action.
(e) The commissioner's suspension of admissions shall take effect on the next calendar day following the order provided to the facility or licensee, as provided for in subsection (d).
(f) Any facility or licensee subject to a suspension of admissions by the commissioner has the right to contest the factual or legal basis for a suspension of admission imposed against it through a prompt contested case hearing before the board, or an administrative judge if the board cannot be convened promptly.
(g) All contested cases pursuant to subsection (f) shall be conducted according to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, part 3, and shall be heard within thirty (30) days of the facility's or licensee's request for a contested case, unless otherwise agreed to by both parties.
(h) An order in all cases contesting a suspension of admissions shall be issued within ten (10) business days after the hearing contesting the suspension of admissions, regardless of whether the hearing is conducted before the board or an administrative judge. The order must determine whether the suspension of admissions was initially valid and whether conditions at the facility or licensee continue to be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of a patient or resident to justify the continuation of the suspension of admissions if not previously lifted.
(i) The commissioner is authorized, at any time prior to a hearing, based on information presented to the commissioner showing that such conditions have been and will continue to remain corrected, to revoke the suspension of admissions.
(j) Within ten (10) days of receiving the commissioner's order to suspend admissions, any facility or licensee for which admissions have been suspended pursuant to this section shall submit a corrective action plan to the board delineating the measures to be taken to address violations and associated time frames. If it is deemed by the board to be necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of patients or residents, the commissioner may require any facility or licensee for which admissions have been suspended to take all necessary actions to correct violations immediately. The board may also set a lesser time frame than ten (10) days for the facility or licensee to submit a corrective action plan when it deems necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of residents.
(k) If the facility or licensee asserts that it has corrected the underlying conditions upon which the suspension of admissions is based, or if the facility or licensee complies with the conditions for the suspension to be lifted as set forth in the commissioner's order, the department shall verify such corrections, after receiving notice and evidence of such corrections from the facility or licensee, within fourteen (14) business days unless waived by the facility or licensee.
(l) Unless other specific conditions exist that warrant an additional suspension or continuation of the suspension of admissions, the commissioner shall promptly lift the suspension of admissions upon verification by the department that the facility or licensee has corrected the underlying conditions upon which the suspension of admissions is based or complied with the conditions for the suspension to be lifted.
(m) The board has the authority to:
(1) Continue, revoke, or modify the suspension of admissions; and
(2) Enter such other orders as it deems necessary.
(n) For any suspension of admissions of a nursing home under this section that is accompanied by a civil penalty under part 8 of this chapter, part 8 of this chapter shall control to the extent there is a conflict.